Kebulen B 80-CKebulen B 80-C

Kebulen Tape B 80-C

Kebulen-Tape B 80-C is a cold-applied three-ply corrosion protection tape. It is used for coating steel pipelines as well as for coating of the welded joints of factory coated steel pipelines of which coating is men- tioned in DIN EN 10329, table 2.

Kebulen-Tape B 80-C is constructed asymmetrically in a way that a sufficient amount of butyl rubber (grey) is present on the pipeline side of the tape. This structure almost fully prevents from building of voids. If there are offstanding welding beads or edges of factory coating, Kebutyl-Kitt can be used to even the substrate.

The coextruded contact layer (black or yellow) on the outer side of the tape provides the self-amalgamating of the overlaps in a way that they form a homogenous tube. Kebulen-Tape B 80-C provides reliable corrosion protection due to its low permeability to water vapour and oxygen.

When combined with the Kebulen UV tape, the system serves as an excellent anti-corrosion protection for ground-to-air pipeline transition.

Product Data Sheets
Kebulen Tape B 80-C
Kebutyl Primer K III
Safety Data Sheet
Kebulen Tape B 80-C

… solutions for your pipelines

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