
… solutions for your pipelines

Since 2005, Ortodroma, s.r.o. has been systematically developing its offer of pipeline protection products, including pipeline repairs and rehabilitation and pipeline life prolongation products. Ortodroma is a Czech company that represents leading world manufacturers, presents their pipeline solutions primarily to the Czech and Slovak markets, and also to other carefully selected Central and Eastern European markets.

We have built strong know-how in the field of pipeline protection and preservation, in particular the gas, petroleum and petrochemical industries..

We Represent and Distribute

Exclusive representative for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland

Serviwrap, Longwrap, Plasgard, Royston, Chase Corporation
complete corrosion protection product line

Plutus Environmental Group
remediation of hydrocarbon products, oil additives

Exclusive representative for the Czech Republic, Slovakia

3X Engineering
composite materials for repair and reinforcement of pipelines, tanks and steel structures

selected corrosion protection products


pipeline storage and transport solutions


Atmos International
leak detection


visco-elastic anti-corrosion system

BS Coatings
liquid polyuretan coatings


thermoplastic insulations

Authorised representative and distributor for the Czech Republic

MONTI – Werkzeuge GmbH
surface preparation technologies



tools for tightening flanges

Representative and distributor


flash corrosion protection

Shawndra Products
filters and filtration vessels

We Serve

A number of companies have relied on our know-how and our technology for many years, including:

Logo Net4Gas
Logo Čepro
Logo Pražská plynárenská
Logo SPP

and many others…

Origin of the Word Ortodroma

The English word orthodrome comes from Greek, consists of two parts: orto (ortho) = straight, right, correct, true, and dromos = path, track. Together, orthodrome in English or ortodroma in Czech means the right, correct, straight way. The orthodrome is also the shortest link of two points on the sphere or on the globe, which is appreciated in particular by pilots and sailors. We offer our clients a straight, direct, correct way to address their pipeline issues.

Company History

Ortodroma continues to work in the footsteps of Vladimír Ort, who started importing anticorrosive materials Serviwrap under the Unitech brand name at the beginning of the 1990s. After many years of building intensive relationship with both suppliers and clients, through a sophisticated selection of the best available products from a wide range of corrosion protection materials, he transferred the business to his son, the founder of Ortodroma. Vojtěch Ort enriched the family tradition by engaging modern technology, broadening the product range and extending the distribution network. He is passionate about the development in the area, follows the news on the world scene and the latest trends in pipeline protection, preservation and rehabilitation.

„I like a thoughtful and fair work. I am pleased to provide our clients with professional services based on the products of the world's leading manufacturers, long-term family experience and quality information.“

Vojtěch Ort, company founder and owner

Social Responsibility

Ortodroma, s.r.o. is a responsible partner, supplier, employer and community member. It focuses not only on its business and a reasonable profit, but also on its relationship with people, companies and employees who are the foundation of every business.

We Support

… solutions for your pipelines

+420-723 115 432

+420-723 115 432